The following link contains the input and training/testing data used from a recently developed Neural Network in order to model shoreline realignment at reef-fronted beaches.
Tsekouras et al., 2017. A Hermite Neural Network Incorporating Artificial Bee Colony Optimization to Model Shoreline Realignment at a Reef-Fronted Beach, Neurocomputing.
The following link contains the characteristics of the Aegean island beaches and morphodynamic model projections under different sea level rise scenarios.
Monioudi et al., 2017. Assessment of island beach erosion due to sea level rise: the case of the Aegean archipelago (Eastern Mediterranean), Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS)
The following link contains the input and training/testing data used from developed neural networks in order to model shoreline realignment at Kamari beach.
Tsekouras et al. – AIAI2017 – Data
The following link contains the input and training/testing data used from a developed neural network in order to model shoreline realignment at Kamari beach, Neural Computing and Applications
Chatzipavlis et al. 2018 -Neural Computing and Applications
The following link contains the beach inventory including the geo-spatial and other characteristics of Cyprus beaches. The data have been used for both the statistical analysis and the estimation of future erosion and inundation risk under multiple scenarios of sea level rise