Chios island hosts 163 beaches, whereas the largest part of the beach coastline is found at the eastern part of the island. Future beach retreat projections under the projected mean sea level rise, suggest that most of the beaches are expected to sense reduction > 50% of their max. recorded widths.
Beach retreat projections for the island of Chios based in the reduction (% percent) of their max. recorded width
The coastline of Kataraktis is characterized by the presence of coastal works (sea walls and a small fishing harbor in the south). The coast faces intensive erosion, with only small ephemeral beaches forming along the coast in front of the seawalls
Εxamples of coastal works found in Kataraktis, Chios
During the field works accomplished within the duration of the project, high detail topo-bathymetric and bed morphological information was collected, altogether with records of the technical characteristics of the extensive coastal works.
(Left): The transects followed during the field works in Kataraktis. (Center and right): High resolution bed morphological and bathymetric maps
Agia Ermioni
Agia Ermioni coast also faces serious erosion problems, especially in the part of the settlement to the north of the fishing harbor. Beach slopes are mild with relative shallow depths, whereas there are large areas of sea-grasses (Posidonia oceanica).
(Left): The transects followed during the field works in Ag. Ermioni. (Center and right): High resolution bed morphological and bathymetric maps