Beach erosion is expected to reduce the attractiveness of touristic destinations that are based on the 3S (Sea-Sun-Sand) model, which is implemented at most of the Aegean islands. The analysis focuses in Kamari beach, Santorini, for which sufficient information is available (e.g. No. of hotel beds, infrastructure assets, tourist flow etc). In addition, a questionnaire was structured and filled by the beach visitors during the summer period. The analysis provided important statistical results regarding the profile of the beach visitors, while other important parameters such as the “willingness to pay” – WTP were estimated. Moreover, the ideal beach climate conditions for the beach visitors of Kamari were estimated based on the questionnaire answers. The ideal climate conditions were used to calibrate a specialized bioclimatic Index (Climate Index for Tourism – CIT), which was used in order to assess the beach touristic value by taking into consideration the beach climate conditions (i.e. temperature, wind velocity, cloudiness and rain). For this purpose, meteorological data of the study area were collected (from the deployed meteorological station and appropriate climate models – e.g. ERA-INTERIM, KNMI) both for the past, present and the future (2050 and 2100) climate projections.
Flow Chart : Εvaluation of beach attractiveness on the basis of the Climate Index for Tourism (CIT)
Cost-benefit analysis was based on the evaluation of 2 main coastal protection works, a hard (construction of a breakwater) and a soft (beach replenishment) measure, the results of which were then compared with the “do nothing” strategy.
Flow Chart : Εvaluation of beach attractiveness on the basis of the Climate Index for Tourism (CIT)