May 29, 2016


Chalki hosts 5 beaches of limited dimensions which are expected to experience significant reduction in their size according to the future projected sea level rise.

Projected beach retreat for the 8 beaches of Chalki based in the reduction (% percent) of their max. recorded width


Pontamos is located at the southern coast of Chalki, forming the only sandy beach of the island. It is a tiny, but critical for the island beach, having a length of about 70 m and a maximum width of about 8 m, being exposed to winds/waves from the southern sector. High detailed topo-bathymetric and bed morphological maps of the wider area enclosing the beach were created from the data collected during the field works.

(Left): The transects followed during the field works in Chalki. (Center and right): High resolution bed morphological and bathymetric maps

ERA Beach Partners - Funding